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  • 首次擔任CEO的人的表象與實質
    [ 2013/4/23 ]
  • 别錯過“反饋”這份珍貴的禮物(wù)
    [ 2022/11/5 ]
  • Step Back to Lead Forward
    Korn/Ferry的世界級領導力導師Kevin Cashman在其新作 (http://cashmanleadership.com/)中(zhōng)提醒領導者, 暫停一(yī)下(xià), 讓真我(wǒ)(wǒ)領導力成熟; 暫停一(yī)下(xià), 以培養人才; 暫停一(yī)下(xià), 以培育創新文化. You and your organization need to learn to move from management speed and transaction, to leadership significance and transformation.
    [ 2013/9/21 ]
  • Money Mindset-Identify your decision flavors
    Since cognitive biases are leading indicators of financial outcomes, being aware of them is key, particularly if, for example, you want to ensure that your stock investments pay off. Once you identify your cognitive biases, behavioral addictions and decision flavors, you can do something about them to create wealth for yourself. So, identify your decision flavor addictions and then focus on managing them to create wealth.
    [ 2013/4/25 ]
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